Zap! There Went My RV's Electricity!

by Kat Hepfinger

Question: I'm running my rv air conditioner at home to 120 outlet- now it is running at 95 degrees with heat index over 100. I keep popping the breaker after about 5 to 10 minutes of running it. Is this due to so much running on one line- or is their something wrong with my rv's air conditioner??

I've even switched it to an outlet that only my dryer and hot water heater runs on. Iam not using the dryer as for the hot water heater i dont believe it runs often.

I'm just flustered for the fact and over heated. Now I never had this issue at all last year of it to keep popping the breaker. This year oh my gosh- every time you turn it on. It worked great when it was 80 with no humidity but just won't do now.

Is this something on my end? or my poor airconditioners end?

Thanks for your help.


Robbie: Answering this question could go either way. The problem could be on your end or something in the AC is going bad.

Check the connections on your power cord and see if they are burned or show evidence of getting really hot. Are you using an extension cord? This could be a major problem. After turning on the AC, it would take about ten minutes for the connection to get hot enough to create a problem and cause a breaker to trip.

You might be having a problem in the AC with head pressure and the compressor, or a component going bad. Either way you have a heat build up caused from an amp draw too big for the breaker the AC is running on.

You might want to consider having a tech look at the system to decide what the cause is.

Good luck and let me know of the results so I can post it,

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