The Lights Don't Work In My RV/Trailer

by George West
(Conifer, Colorado)

Question: I have a Thor toy hauler. Suddenly the overhead lights in the kitchen area, the garage area, under cabinet lights and under bed in garage area (all on the entry side) stopped working. The outside entry light also is out. Other lights at the sink, under cab lights and under bed lights in the garage (all on the the opposite side) all work. The light at the cook top works as does the fan. The LP detector was shreeking until I pulled the fuse but the LP tanks were both shut off. At first when I played with the light switch on the wall the the kitchen area light the LP detector went off!....and then came on when I turned the light switch again. The 2 fuses indicated for "lights" are ok. This a mystery to me. I can't figure out where to start. I changed some bulbs in the fixtures but that does nothing. HELP.

Robbie: First thing... the LP leak detector will also sound off when you have low voltage. Your voltage must have been really low, and when you turned on the light in the kitchen area, that lowered the voltage enough to set off your LP alarm.

Second... The Lights not working on one side of your trailer. The only thing you can do is using a test light start with the fuses, don't depend on your eyes to test them. Then you'll have to follow the wires to the lights if the fuses are good. Drop the lights if you need to and see if you have voltage. They are wired in line like christmas lights, so if the connection at one of the lights has worked loose the remaining lights won't work.

Good Luck and let me know what you find,

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