Slideout Adjustment

by Carlos Villagran
(Antioch, CA)

Question: Is there a consumer manual that will instruct the consumer how to adjust the slide outs on a Cameo 5th wheel trailer? Our problem is that the top of the slide comes in first before the bottom section does. It is causing havoc with the metal exterior walls and the tubular gaskets. Our model is a 32FWS Cameo, 2011 Model.

Thank you,

Robbie: There are no manuals for your slide adjustment. This is a sensitive adjustment in that I strongly suggest you take the trailer in and have a Qualified Service Center make the adjustment. You can do a lot of damage to a slide making the wrong adjustments. Some adjustments require two techs. I had a customer a few months ago try to adjust his own slide and when he closed it, it tore a huge hole in his linoleum flooring. A small adjustment can have huge consequences. Please don't try this yourself. You also need to find out why the slide adjustment has changed. A lot of manufacturer's design the slide-outs to come in at the top first and then suck in the bottom.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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Nov 01, 2012
slide out adjustment
by: perfect-5th

There is a great dealer in Los Banos Ca. called TOSCANO RV.
Look them up on the web and give them a call.

They also have free camping on their lot while your rig is being repaired and/or serviced.

We've had our Cameo there for service and repair and they do a great job.

Good Luck..

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