RV Window Blinds Have Rotted Strings

by Rebecca
(San Diego)

Question: My '94 Pace Arrow has day/night shades in the bedroom, metal mini blinds in the kitchen and bath, and roman shades over the dinette and sofa.

How do I access the insertion to replace the metal mini blinds? They're rusted and difficult to clean. I want these gone.

The Day/Night shades and the roman shades need to be restrung and although I know owners do this themselves, I'm intimidated and would rather have it done. Where's the best place to have this done in San Diego? I can't see myself paying the shop's hourly rate for this kind of job!

Thanks in advance!

Robbie: Removing the mini blinds? There are a few ways they are installed up in the valances and I'm not sure how to tell you to do it. I do not re-string shades but I know RV dealerships use a company in La Mesa but I don't know the name of the place. I suggest calling a few RV sales places and ask who they use.

Good Luck,

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