RV Fridge Not Cooling While Driving

by Steve Pearson
(Chesapeake, VA)

Question: My RV fridge works fine stationary on all three modes, LP, AC, dc. In fact it will easily get down to 33 degrees. However, every time we drive it stops working and the temp goes up to the 50s and 60s. The freezer seems to be working fine. Have not smelled any ammonia.

Robbie: You might have a problem with the 12V Heating element. My advise is to have the 12V cooling disconnected and only use the frig on LP or 110V. A three way frig is mostly designed to be used on boats and today most all RV's only have a 2-way system. Your frig can run on LP while you drive and is safe. Normally only one wire needs to be disconnected on the back of your frig, but without a Make and Model I cannot tell you how. Stop at any RV Repair Center and they can show you what wire to disconnect. It is a 1 minute repair. Good Luck.

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Sep 20, 2014
Norcold 1200l
by: Phillip

My rifrig is a norcold 1200l. Can you tell me which wire to disconnect? I've lost enough food and I am at wits end with this. Have spent about 2000 dollars to fix this problem but no luck yet.

Jun 11, 2018
by: Neal

Better to invest into a new refer than pay another service charge that may or may not work. Sediment in the system could be the problem. You might try removing the refer and turning it upside-down. I hear that works.

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