RV A/C Blowing Styrofoam From The Ceiling Ducts

by Tommy
(Manchester, Ohio)

Question: I am thinking strongly about purchasing a "2008" Fleetwood Excursion 40X. It appears to be in excellant condition and been well taken care of. When I had them turn on the A/C we noticed a few very small pieces of styrofoam beads fall from the ceiling ducts. What might cause this and should there be any real concern? This unit has very little miles. Also, does this unit have the "Basement" type system? Your answers and advice will be greatly appreciated!

Robbie: This is a minor problem caused when the manufacturer installed the AC unit. When the air is being blown down the ducking in the ceiling it is picking up pieces of the foam where the ceiling was cut for the vents you see when you look up and the area in the AC where the air is forced into the ceiling. The only way to stop this is to remove the ceiling vents and plenum under the AC and either Aluminum Tape the foam or brush Elmers wood glue on the foam. Both ways work fine. Good Luck with your new RV!

Hope this helps you,

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Sep 02, 2012
Good Choice
by: Bud Corwin

If the price is right on this 2008 Excursion, go for it. My wife and I have a 2003 Excursion 38U. We perchased it in 2004. One problem you will have.The front slide.It will go out fine, but eventually it won't want to come back in. Get under the slide and cut the wires that are pluged into the motor that operate the slide. Cut off the plugin fittings and hard-wire them together. As long as your batteries are up to snuff, you shouldn't have any more problems. Also, the inside adjoining walls will expand when the sun shines on the side of the coach. This will cause the abutting walls to separate from the side walls, causing the rivots to pop out. Just a couple things to be aware of.
Bud Corwin

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