Outlet Use With Batteries In RV

by Andrew
(Palmer, AK)

Question: I have a 2011 outdoors back country 18f. When I unplug the unit from a power source only the radio lights and water pump work. Our dealer said that is the way it is supposed to be. Is that true? If so is there a way to be able to use the electrical outlets while on battery power?

Robbie: The outlets are only going to work when you are plugged to 110V or you have a generator running. Your unit is only 18Ft long so I strongly suggest you don't use an inverter system until you totally understand it's limitations and what's required to have one installed.

Your dealer is correct in telling you it's normal to lose the outlets when your not plugged in. You'll need to learn the difference between 12V (from the battery) and 110V household current. You'll enjoy your RV a lot more when you've done this.

Good luck,

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