No Battery Required On New Breckinridge Park Model Trailer?

by George
(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)

Question:I have a friend who owns a new Breckinridge Park Model trailer. His dealer told him to remove the battery as the trailer is always connected to shore power (110V, 30A) and there is nothing in the trailer that runs off 12V except for the outside running lights and tail lights. I disagree with his dealer's recommendation because I've been told that the battery must be connected to complete the 12V system circuit.

In my Montana, the battery was a backup for the 2-way refrigerator if the shore power went out. It also supplied power to an assortment of lights if the shore power went out.

I now have a new Hampton Park Model trailer. I know that in my trailer the battery no longer provides a backup to the refrigerator since it is straight 110V operated, the 12V system does operate the furnace and much of the interior lighting. While I don't intend to disconnect my battery, I am curious to find out if disconnecting the battery will cause any damage to the converter or any other components, or is the battery not required as my friend's dealer says.

Thanks in advance.

Robbie: The dealership is correct and so are you. Your trailer and all RV's require you have a battery installed all the time as the Battery and converter work together to run the systems. But your friend has a Park Model and as you said nothing runs on 12V so the battery is not needed. The only reason the battery is there at all on a Park Model is its required by Law for the Emergency Break-away Switch when being towed. If the trailer should come disconnected from the tow vehicle the emergency break-away will apply the brakes on the trailer being towed to stop it and the battery applies the power to the brakes. Once a Park Model is delivered you can remove the battery until the trailer is towed again. The battery on the Park model has nothing to do with the clearance lights and Turn signals this power comes completely from the tow vehicle. Great Question and hope this helps

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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Oct 08, 2016
Converters in the fema models
by: Stephen

Yes sir , I have an 06 fema model also (30amp / wf-8914 on the electrical panel box . Without tarring the whole electrical panel out is there anyway to know the converter size? 45,55,75.......etc ....?

Aug 21, 2017
Breckenridge park model. Converter NEW
by: John

I cannot find the converter in my 2007 park model. Anyone know where they hide it. I think it's only purpose is for the 12 volt D.C. For the air conditioner

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