My RV Battery Is Not Charging... New To RVing

Question:Where is the battery disconnect located? We are new to RVing and are having trouble charging the RV batteries.

RVing in SoCal

Robbie: Really hard to give you a direct answer with the info you provided.

There is a good chance you don't have a disconnect. Not all RV's come with them.

Read my section under Batteries and see if you're making a mistake in management of your system.
How you use your Batteries makes a huge difference on how they charge and how much time is required to charge the system. A bad cell in one of the batteries can also cause a problem.

When your plugged into 110V the Battery condition at your Control Panel should show Full charge.

Good Luck and Please call if you need to.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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Mar 11, 2016
No trailer battery but use car batt to move slideout
by: Anonymous

Hi, without shore power or an RV battery, ive hooked trailer to battery IN my car long enough to move the slideout. EzPz going out on this trailer yesterday But no power when I hooked it up to push IN.
OK, I know its not the best solution, but my RV battery got taken, so for this specific purpose, it works.
Ok, I looked online to make sure the trailer wires are red = pos, white = neg.
Now you're really gonna smack me: so I take jumper cables and hook as if the wires were another battery. But, uh oh, the last negative connection always sparks! Trying to use cable clamp teeth to a wire with a hole in middle, well I'm sure I'm not getting a good connect. Probably blew a fuse, right?
How should or could I do it?

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Robbie Warford, San Diego RV Repair

Hi, I'm Robbie. Welcome to!

Like the name implies, this site is all about helping you save money while keeping your RV in tip-top shape--and that is all about you having the knowledge to do so.

I've been a technician in the RV industry for 30 years, operating out of San Diego, California. And let me tell you, I love my job.

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