My RV AC Is Not Coming On But I Hear A Click

Question: RV AC will not come on but will click at the ceiling where the roof mount is trying to come on. Is it a fuse in it?

Robbie: What your hearing is the relay in the 12volt control board, I think your going to find you have no 110v supply to the AC unit. Turn the circuit breaker off and back on again if this doesn't work your going to need a tech to look at it.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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Jun 22, 2013
Check your start run capacitor on the roof.
by: ThreeDogsMama

There is a capacitor in the rooftop units that frequently goes bad. To the extent that I keep a spare one handy, because mine likes to need replacing on holidays and weekends. Sometimes if that capacitor is bad, you will find it all swollen and misshapen or scorched, but not always.

Before you disconnect any wires, take pictures so you get it back together correctly.

You will want to google "hard start capacitor" to find the replacement. The brand I got this last time was SUPCO, but you can also take the old one out and take it to an electric supply house or a motor rebuilder guy and show them and tell him you need a replacement. Buy two.

BE CERTAIN when you open up your unit on the roof that you have the power disconnected from the rig and turn off the a/c breaker and the main just to be on the safer side.

If that turns out to not be the problem, it may be with the wiring in the control box, usually or sometimes, at least, found in the ceiling. There are troubleshooting measures for that as well.

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