My RV AC Doesn't Blow Out Any Cold Air

by Mary
(Marion, SD)

Question: It appears that the condenser doesn't turn on. The fan blows fine but no matter how cold I turn the dial it doesn't blow out any cold air. I cleaned the filter. My unit is a duo-therm. It's only 4 years old and has only been used a few times. Is there any help?

Robbie: You have a good AC but repairing it could be a lot more complex than giving you an answer via the internet. There are a number of components that must function before the compressor will come on and cool. If you're sure you have 110V to the AC I would strongly suggest you contact a qualified tech to test further.

If you can hear the compressor come on and run then you might be at the point of replacing the AC. This is rare and it's most likely another reason.

Through the years of repairing ACs the age is not a reason for the AC to quit. I've seen units leak its freon during the warranty period and other units 20 plus years old and running great and maybe just needs a new thermastat. Keep in mind the newer AC units are rotary now and draw less amps so, if your unit is an old one then replacing could be a cost effective thing to do.

Good Luck,

Comments for My RV AC Doesn't Blow Out Any Cold Air

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Dec 29, 2016
may have compressor failure
by: Anonymous

While reading the comments and probable causes for my AC problem i want to make sure what the cause may be before i soak a grand for a new unit. My air fan works but i can,t hear the compressor kick in and the tubing stays does not get cold going rto coil.

I have 1998 Fleetwood wilderness 26'I can not remember the manufacture name. What should i be checking or how should i be checking the compressor?? i know where the motor start condenser is and its getting power but i can tell if its going to compressor though. Is there a simple method to check the condenser with ohm meter??

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