Musty Smell When Front AC Is Turned On In Our Motorhome

by Phyllis
(Rapid City, SD)

Question: What could be causing a musty smell whenever we turn on our air conditioner. We have been traveling in areas where we have had a great deal of rain. We have cleaned the filters in both and that has not improved the front AC musty smell. Our hoses come out underneath the MH. There are three hoses, 1 for refrigerator and 1 for each of AC's. Where is the condensation pan located on the AC?

Robbie: Remove the filters again and look up inside the AC with a flashlight. You will see what looks like a radiator. This is what is carrying the odor you're smelling. It just needs to be cleaned. Simply mist lightly with Simple Green but, first if the fins are full of dirt or heavy lint get your vacuum out and use the soft brush attachment to clean them using very little pressure. You can also use compressed air but you will need to be super careful not to damage the fins. If you don't like the smell of simple Green use the cleaner you like.


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May 18, 2017
Front roof air don't work NEW
by: Anonymous

Front roof air was working now nothing I reset thermostat and spun blower motor STILL nothing.
It's on 2006 country Coach. How do I test procedure

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