Minor Cosmetic Repairs

Question:Hi Robbie,

We are in the process of trying to sell our fifth wheel. There are very minor cosmetics that glare at me, but I don't know if they are serious enough to fix and how to go about it. For instance, there are a couple of gouges out of the trim boards at the bottom of a couple doors and along the wall. How would I go about fixing these? I would hate to do a DIY job and it end up looking worse due to unmatched wood and what not.
Also, previously our fifth wheel had 4 bunks. We took out the 2 bottom ones. Now that we are trying to sell we are thinking about building them back in. Again, how do we make it so it matches the rest of the wood and not look like like an eye sore to someone who would think about buying...

Thanks so much for your site and all the free advice,

Robbie:Patching scratches can be a challenge but you can buy a crayon type pencil that is made to fill and cover scratches. You pick the color that best matches the wood and fill the crack or scratch and wipe off the excess with a towel.(Home Depot or Lowes)

I think I would try selling your RV with the two bunks removed and only concern yourself with rebuilding them if you can't sell it. You will have a hard time matching the paneling locally but a RV Service Center has the ability to special order them. This can get a little pricey with shipping and handling charges. Furnishing the area where the removed bunks were might be easier using a dresser or a desk. Maybe shelving if it were the upper bunks.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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Robbie Warford, San Diego RV Repair

Hi, I'm Robbie. Welcome to Money-Saving-RV-Repair.com!

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