Large Slide on My Carriage Fifth Wheel Stopped Working

by Charles
(Edmond, Oklahoma)

Question: I have a 99 Carriage 364 LS Fifth Wheel. The large slide on the off side has quit working. I cannot hear any activity when I hit the open button. It will not go in or out. I have checked the breaker for the slide and it is OK. The voltage has been checked, when you activate the in and out switch and it doesn't drop in voltage. The reading is 12.61 volts. I've checked the voltage at the buss bar and it reads 12.61 voltage. My question is what do I do next?


Robbie: Thanks for calling me and I hope the information I gave you helped in figuring the problem with the slide.

Again, you have three wall switches and one doesn't work, check one of the switches that do work for 12V and at what terminal, and then go to the switch that doesn't work and see if it has 12V at the same terminal you just checked.

You have two control boxes under the sink and you said one was tagged for the slide that doesn't work. Open both boxes. Look for burned wiring or a replaceable fuse, and then cross reference the two boxes like you did the switches.

You'll need to contact Carriage for replacement parts and further advice on what to check if you haven't resolved the issue.

As for the over ride crank not engaging ask Carriage when you call for what kind of gearing it has and is there a sheer pin.

Good Luck and let me know how everything turns out.

I look forward to hearing from you,
Robbie at Warford's RV in San Diego

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Feb 07, 2014
5th wheel alpenlite
by: Anonymous

bedroom slid will not open. hear clicking noise when switch is on.

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