Just Plugged Into 240, Now What?

by Don Friend
(West Palm Beach, FL)

Question:So.......... Zap!! There went my RV's Electric.

A 240 power source was used, I think you know the results. I am assuming inside the switch box (Both the AC and the Generator wiring enters this box) behind the fuse box is fried. Power up to that point is present, but from the switch box to the fuse box a big ol' NADA! I jumpered around the switch box to the panel and everything is running correctly, but now the generator functionality is nil.

Somehow this switch box is tac-welded, riveted, or otherwise fastened. From the configuration, I am figuring the only way to replace it is to replace both the fuse box and the switch box as one unit. It is a 30 amp service. So the question is this:

Where do I get another one, and for how much. Is it by brand?


Don ( I have no idea about RVs) Friend

Robbie: This problem happens a lot. The transfer switch can be replaced externally leaving the old where it is. If you have the old style Magnetek the transfer switch can be removed. The screws are located one 5/16 behind the 110V breakers and another 5/16 behind the 12V fuse block. If you have a American Brand name Converter and the transfer switch is built inside you can install a New transfer switch on the floor behind your existing converter and leave the old transfer switch disconnected and by-passed. All transfer switches are replaceable with the exception of the American brand name Converter. If I had the make and model of your converter I could have given you more details and estimate on parts. Good Luck

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

Comments for Just Plugged Into 240, Now What?

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Dec 26, 2016
by: Daniel Pascanik

Same problem jayco 2011, Iujbjobs6bIdj027I, fuse box DIoI66F0025214, board 2100029571, no power in trailer? Is this something I can fix ?

Jun 15, 2017
bad info NEW
by: robert rollefson

I had a electrician put a 30 amp plugin plugged in camper and bang found out he wired it wrong!

what I do not understand why the plug looks like a 240v plug giving the man the wrong idea on hook up this will cost me! there should be a warning on the plug for wiring for 120v to a 240 plug!
the campers should have a different configuration.

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