How To Do RV Wall Repair? Previous Owner Hid That The Wall Was Leaking

by Tom
(Peach Bottom, Pa.)

Question: I bought a used RV and the previous owner hid the fact that the wall was leaking it is now bulging outside and inside. I found that the caulk around the window he used just channeled the water into the wall. I am going to remove the window and use weather stripping to seal it up but how do I repair the bubbled outer wall and where do you get the replacement interior wall?? Can you help??

Continued... As I wrote before I purchased this RV with water leaking into the side wall can I get help in explaining how to repair wall? Should I buy the wall somewhere to install or can you buy the wall at all? 1996 Holiday Rambler and also what do you use to fix blistering of out side wall in spots? Hope to hear from you Thanks

Robbie: Hi Tom, first off, you don't want to seal a window using weather stripping. You can use putty tape or even better use black beutal tape, then a thin bead of silicone on the window's top and sides.

The bubbles on the outer skin is another problem in itself and can require a lot of money and work to repair. It really depends on the extent of wood damage in the wall. The outer skin would have to be removed and rotted wood replaced and most of the time you can't re-use the skin so the expense of new skin adds to the cost. If the bubbles are small I would suggest you live with it verses getting into repair cost.

Good Luck,

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Dec 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

Do NOT use silicone caulk like someone mentioned earlier!!!!...silicone is the WORST thing you can use on an rv...if you have to go back and caulk again (like you usually do after a few years of flexing and twisting) the new caulk won't stick..not even NEW silicone likes to stick to old cured silicone and this is one of the biggest mistakes people make when caulking their rv's over the years...and then they wonder why it's leaking!!

Use a quality butyl rubber based caulk such as OSI Quad or something similar..and if you are removing and reinstalling windows use new butyl tape and if there was silicone present from the past make sure you get EVERY BIT of it off including scrubbing the areas several times with acetone and clean rags to get all the oily silicone residue off.

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