How Can We Fix Our RV Toilet?

Question: We recently baught a 1987 holiday rambler aluma lite alpha, how can we fix the toilet and or how can you put a new one in, our toilet water has been coming out from the back of the toilet, which don't smell too good in the camper, is there anyway I can fix the problem, or get a new toilet? I have been googling and searching for the past few days on this topic and i cant find the answer to the question, thanks very much!

Robbie: Not a problem, go to any RV Supply store and tell them what toilet you have (or bring a picture). They will tell you what toilet will fit starting with the plastic and even a porcelain body style and you can replace it yourself.

One thing to keep in mind is regardless what toilet you get you will have to modify the water line to the toilet. Most of the older toilets connect at the bottom in the back and the new ones connect at the top in the back. To make this easier just to go a hardware store and get a steel braided water line like you use on a home toilet. It is flexible and it makes it easy to extend what you have.

If you can't see the nuts that secure the old toilet. Ask the supply center you're buying the new toilet from how to get the old toilet out, or send me a picture and I will explain it. It's all easy.


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Robbie Warford, San Diego RV Repair

Hi, I'm Robbie. Welcome to!

Like the name implies, this site is all about helping you save money while keeping your RV in tip-top shape--and that is all about you having the knowledge to do so.

I've been a technician in the RV industry for 30 years, operating out of San Diego, California. And let me tell you, I love my job.

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