Help, Lost Awning Strap in a Uncontrolled Roll-Up This Weekend!

by Cindy

Question: I'm new to this and asked for a little help from a fellow camper to close the awning up. I'm having difficulties with strenght and dexterity required to trip the awning hammer and hold the strap by myself (I'm a single older women camper). Unfortunately the helper tripped the switch before I was prepared and the web strap shot out of my hand and the awning closed like a bullet. Scary and dangerous and not healthy for my rv or the awning to say the least. How do others handle this procedure and not get into difficulties. I feel like I don't have enough hands to do it. thanks. cindy

Robbie: Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. I believe you are going to run into another problem opening the awning now that it has slammed shut. You are going to need to get help now releasing the latch you had trouble with to close it. When the awning hit the side of your unit the force will normally jam the level hard into the locked position and I strongly suggest you get help from someone who knows what there doing. If an RV tech can get the latch to release he can also open the awning to retrieve the strap.

Now as for the strength required for you to open and close it you can do a few things. One thing is have the tech remove some of the tention so it opens and closes easier, but your awning requires a certain amount of tention to remain closed while your driving.

If that doesn't work you can have your awning replaced to operate automatically from a switch located by the door. Most of the newer RVs already have this feature built into them. You might want to visit a RV sales center near you and just check out how the electric awnings work.

Good Luck and let me know what you end up doing,

Comments for Help, Lost Awning Strap in a Uncontrolled Roll-Up This Weekend!

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Jul 17, 2011
Awning Problems
by: Bud Corwin

Hey Cindy,

I too have had my share of awning problems over the years. As Robbie pointed out, there are new awnings that are automaticly operated, but they are fairly expensive. If you can afford one of these, I would recommend having one installed on you rig. However, I would not recommend having the tension lowered on your present awning. This could lead to the awning opening by itself as you are traveling, especially on a very windy day. I had this happen one time as my wife and I were traveling into Iowa. What I time I had getting it closed. I've never been in a campground where there weren't some folks very eager to help in any way you might need. Hope this adds to some help and happy RVing.

Aug 03, 2011
uncontrolled roll up
by: Cindy

Hello Robbie and friends. I called in a local RV mobile service to help with the run away awning and a few other jobs. He was a great help and an excellent resource. Being taller and stronger he was able to sort out the awning and teach me proper procedures and a few tips to manage it independently (that little trip hammer jigger was a revelation when I found out it that by taking the tension off the awning roller it moves very easily)! I have attached two web straps instead of 1 to the awning, I'm going to beef up the slender metal rod with some grippers making it easier to hang onto (for my arthritic fingers) and I also used a 20 foot web strap looped through the guide straps which I pull out after it has been retracted. Might seem like overkill to others but I've had rheumatoid arthritis for 48 years and multiple surgeries, so I do whatever it takes to be independent and master the issue. I have a 27 ft. Fleetwood Prowler Lynx located on a site and don't go walkabout with it, so driving is not an issue. I am considering a screen room of some kind for next year and would welcome hints and suggestions of issues to consider before purchase. One issue is tear down and storage over our long and snowy winters up here. Again thanks for all your help, I have found your topics and discussion board insightful and valueable information. kindest regards, Cindy

Jun 15, 2016
rolling up awnings
by: Kevan

My wife and I camp together alot. If she is not around, I tie a rope to the campground picnic table. (you could use a tent stake if the ground is solid enough and stake long enough). I like the rope to the table better. Then put the rope through the loop of the awning cord, and tie again to the table. Then you can flip the lock and untie one side of rope while holding on to the awning cord. Be sure to have your metal tool to put in loop of cord so you can go up easy all the way to the camper. Hope this helps.

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