Generator Not Powering Outlets Inside Unit.....?

by J. Rogers
(Daytona, FL)

Question:1984 shasta motorhome class a generator function.............when generator is running I cannot get power to outlets inside unit. I do have hot outlets when plugged in to shore power normally. There is not a plug in for shore power cord in side compt of power cord.......?

Also not the ability to plug in generator power to outlets in generator compt either.....? Does it make outlets hot automatically when generator is running? If this isn't working what do I check? A fuse somewhere? A breaker?

Robbie: You have two things you can check. First check the breaker on the generator and see if it has been tripped. Second if you don't plug in your cord in a compartment for gen power then you have a Auto Transfer Switch and it might have failed to transfer, you will need a meter to check voltage at the transfer switch. The worst case is the gen may need to be checked to see if its not putting out power and this will need to be done at a service center, do not try this yourself.
Note:You said your outlets have no power and didn't specify if you have power to other places so I answered this question assuming everything was dead. If it was just the outlets that didn't work you will also need to check the GFI normally located in the bathroom on the wall outlet.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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Oct 28, 2012
Same problem intermittently.
by: Jaime

I get this issue from time to time, as well, except that nothing will work. Not the lights, either. I do have to remember to plug the unit into itself in the back (DOH!) But usually it is a corroded cable mucking up the connection that is the culprit. Especially corrosion on the battery cables! So if you are plugged in and turned on, and breakers are all good, like Robbie told you, then also check and clean all of your cable connections and make sure you have a solid ground, too! I also take canned air to my converter from time to time and blow it out, and swab it with alcohol. With all of the power OFF, unplugged of course, and disconnect the batteries too, BEFORE you start poking around in there! As a side note, in my experience, wall outlet GFI's DO just "go bad", as do breakers! Even if you think it isn't tripped, it might need to be replaced! Good luck!

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