Consignment With RV Dealership

Question: When a Dealership sells your RV on consignment for an agreed upon amount of money and then lets the buyer take possession of RV before money has cleared the bank and title has not been transferred or any money from Dealership given to seller is this legal? Also, if Buyer was to have an accident and hurt/killed someone who can get sued? This Dealership is in the state of Tennessee.

Thank you for any advise you can give us.

Tom & Karen Cherry

Robbie: While I am not a lawyer and I reside in California, I still think I can shed some light on your question. I do work for local dealerships here in San Diego and called for advice on your question.

Dealers will often deliver a consignment before it is funded providing it has bank approval on the loan and the bank provides a faxed authorization to the dealer. The money transfer normally takes 3-4 days. When the buyer takes delivery they will sign a document assuming all liability. You can ask to see this document.

I hope this answers your question,

Question: Can I dissolve my consignment contact if I change my mind?

Robbie Once your RV has been sold and the paperwork has been signed you can NOT break the deal. If the RV has not been sold you can get your RV back, however, you will have to pay a fee to the dealership to cover the cost of preping the RV to be sold.

Check out the How To Sell Your RV page here on this website. It should answer most your consignment questions.

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