Austral Tourmaster Converted Motorhome

by Chyree
(Thangool Qld Australia)

Question: Hi

We purchased our dream motorhome but it has turned into a nightmare more than a dream really but never mind we have got on with the job, have had to completely reskin the outside, inside has been gutted pretty much but we are on the roof repairing at the moment and we were wondering, is there a product that will seal an entire 40ft fibreglass roof at all?

We realise for the joins we will need to use a matting or tape to glass on but for all the hairline cracks in it. Obviously they have put tar on it previously to stop leaks and let me tell you that is a nightmare to sand off. Hope you can help.

Robbie: OK, you got your hands full but there is a product on the market for just what you're asking.

Call your RV Supply store and inquire about the roof sealer that comes in a 5 gallon bucket that requires a two part mix. It is distributed by a company called Coast Distributors. I've never used the product but I have got good reviews from other repair centers who have. It is applied with a roller or brush and you must tape the edges to keep the product off areas you don't want it to touch. Remove the tape right after the product is applied. The cleaner & smoother the roof the better the applications appearance.

Your second option is to cover the roof with a one piece rubber roof. This requires a lot more time and more money but would really compliment the rest of the RV and hours spent re-skinning it.

Good luck and let me know what you've done. A picture would be great to post on the website for other people who inquire with a similar problem.

Good Luck,

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