Atwood Water Heater Pressure Relief Valve Leak

by L B Brother
(Astoria, Oregon)

Question: I have an 05 Fleetwood GearBox and can't get the Atwood water heater pressure relief valve to stop dripping. Replaced valve x2, checked water pressure and temperature... all within limits. Called Atwood; techie says it's OK to drip "...its normal". Pointed out its even in the literature. I don't think so, too much water on the floor. So... are they supposed to drip... how do you fix.

Robbie: I agree with you. A Pressure relief Valve (or PRV) should never drip, and if it does, it will only get worse as time passes. I've personally called Atwood and even chatted with their reps at RV shows and have not been able to come up with a solution. When I do repairs in the field I warn the customer there is no guarantee the drip will stop. Sometimes just replacing the PRV can fix the problem and other times it requires replacing the thermostat and ECO, and other times nothing works.

One RV tech I spoke with said he believes a calcium build up on the tank can cause the thermostat not to read correctly so the water gets too hot and a the pressure builds up to the PRV. I really wish I could come up for a fix for this issue. I suggest people start writing to Atwood and demanding a solution.

Note: It does state in the paperwork with a new Atwood water heater that it is acceptable for the PRV to drip at the end of a heating cycle.

Thanks for your question,

Comments for Atwood Water Heater Pressure Relief Valve Leak

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Dec 27, 2013
relief valve leaks
by: Anonymous

not acceptable in my mind to have a continual leak
seems like a way to get us all to keep buying valves!

Nov 24, 2016
water heater pressure relief leak
by: Len

My 05 Winne had the same problem. I followed the instructions in owners manual on how to recharge the air cushion in the heater
1) Turn off water heater switch and water supply
2) Open water faucet to relieve pressure
3) Pull handle of PT valve & allow water to run until it stops
4) Let handle of PT valve to snap shut
5) Close the open faucet & turn on water supply before turning on the water heater

This should be done at least yearly. If your PT valve does not have a drain tube that vents water outside I would install one.

Dec 10, 2016
pressure valve leak
by: jerry

I had and atwood E3 water heater for 10 years never did the pressure valve leak. had to replace it this year with an $900.00 atwood E4 water heater and ever time the water heats up the valve leaks. looks like a bad design? Good thing it leaks outside the 5 wheel.

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