Air Conditioner Blowing No Cold Air

by Dan
(Holton, Kansas, USA)

Question: I am having a problem with the air conditioner (duo-therm) on my camper. I ran the air conditioner last week plugged in to 110 outlet to make sure it was working fine and it was blowing cold air. This weekend we took it to the lake and tried to use a generator as our power source and the air conditioner would not work at all. It sounded like the compresser was working but the fans were not blowing. I let it run for an hour thinking it would kick on. I noticed condensation on the cover of the air condtioner outside and shut off the unit. When we got home I took off the cover of the unit and noticed the fan was hung up by a mud dobber. I removed the mud dobbers and cleaned the unit with a garden hose. Now the air conditioner fans work great but is not blowing any cold air. Any help would be appreciated.



Robbie: All you can do is check that you have voltage to the motor. If you do and it's not turning then it was damaged by the mud dobbers preventing it from turning and you'll need to replace it.


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Jul 23, 2015
air conditioner
by: Anonymous

My RV is a 1987 Winn/Chiefton and the air conditioner isn't blowing cold air. Can I add Freon to it? If so where do you add it?

Aug 07, 2015
lving room air not cooling
by: Anonymous

living room air not blowing cold air and only work on high not on auto bedroom air blow cold 2010 DRV please help

Jul 31, 2017
Rv ac NEW
by: Connie

My rv ac not cooling blows hot air ,compressor comes on then kick off when compressor kick in blows cold air then kicks off hot air it does that all day long. Please help

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