A/C Stopped Working Flickerd Then Stopped

by Sam Banning

Question:I am plugged into a 50 amp breaker. The R V has been sitting for awhile and everything seemed fine till I went out there to test everything. The refig. was on and microwave and now they will not come on either. When I turned on the a/c on the front and back they came on then clicked and flickered. I have a 40ft. Teton.

Sam B.

Robbie:Wow, you have had a massive loss of power. 1st check the breakers supplying the power in your garage on on the house, then check the breakers in your Teton,remember if a breaker is tripped you must turn it completely off before turning it back on to reset it.If all the breakers are good and you still have no power then I suggest you get a tech to find a burned connection somewhere. You said everything flickered and this could have been the loose or bad connection arking. Look inside the transfer switch (if you have one) for burned wires.I'm suggesting you use a qualified tech to do this as tracing could be complicated.

Thanks for the Question Good Luck,

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Jul 01, 2016
Easy fix
by: Anonymous

Sam - when your rig has been sitting for any amount of time and you go to use it again there will always be issues. As far as your a/c they are just not built to take abuse or work hard like a house a/c. When you first hook up turn ur a/c on its lowest setting and the temp on a medium setting. Let the unit run for 2 hours or so then you can switch everything to super cold and fan on full blast. You won't have any more issues. Just remember when u first hook up after sitting for a while u need to start things off slow and not full power. Best of luck

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